Mammadù Non Profit Organization - Mammadù Onlus - Slider Bg 01
Mammadù Non Profit Organization - Mammadù Onlus - Slider Bg 02
Mammadù Non Profit Organization - Mammadù Onlus - Slider Bg 03
Mammadù Non Profit Organization - Mammadù Onlus - Slider Bg 03

Mammadù Onlus

L’Associazione Mammadù Onlus, costituita il 23 aprile 2014, è apartitica, apolitica e senza fini di lucro e persegue esclusivamente le finalità di solidarietà sociale.



Mammadu - Stefania Rabotti - Presidente

I discovered Mammadu in 2010 almost by chance while on a tour of Namibia and my heart was instantly taken by it. From that chance meeting came a life changing friendship with Agnese, whom I think of as a sister. From that day on my visits to Mammadu became regular and I spend at least a month with “my” kids there every year.

In 2016 I decided to marry the great love of my life, Roberto, in Mammadu, surrounded by the overwhelming love that you can find in such a place. Together we decided to become the proud and happy adoptive parents of Uzuvira and Rose Mary.

When in 2021 Agnese and Paola asked me to take the reins of Mammadu Onlus I found in it a call I could not refuse.


Mammadu - Roberto Spezzani - Vice Presidente

In my life I did not have any children, but it only took setting foot in Mammadu for the first time (in 2016 on the occasion of my wedding with Stefania) to become more than just the “dad” of my Uzuvira and Rose Mary, but the “dad” of all the kids there.

I am a musician and I brought my passion to Mammadu, starting a lot of projects with the kids and finding between them some great music partners: from this “ Welcome to Mammadu” and “Goodbye Mammadu”, the two anthems of Mammadu were born. I love doing small repair jobs and when I go to Mammadu all those are mine!

From 2021, together with my wife Stefania, I fully collaborate with the Mammadu project and the management of the Italian Onlus.


Mammadu - Carlotta Costa - Segretaria

Carlotta Costa was born in Reggio Emilia in 1997. She studied in Milan and graduated in Arts History, specializing in Arts Management.

Carlotta discovered Mammadu thanks to Stefania Rabotti and it is in Windhoek that she tried her first volunteering experience in 2015.

That experience marked her heart with an unbreakable bond that brought her to become part of the new executive of Mammadu Onlus in 2021 as secretary in order to contribute to the growth of Mammadu.


Mammadu - Agnes Albrecht - Consigliere

Founder of the Mammadù project, she was born in Vienna and grew up in Italy.

In September 2007, after a long career in management, she decided to move to Namibia with a desire to help kids in need, to give them love and a chance at a better future through an ambitious project of education and personal growth for the individuals, the Mammadù Project.


Mammadu - Paola Ciarlante - Consigliere

After my close friend Agnese moved to Namibia, I shared with her the dream of creating a project to help the kids of Windhoek from the beginning. A lot of the steps we made together brought to life the Mammadù center in the Namibian capital and created a network of donors and supporters in Italy.

In 2014 I established Mammadù Onlus in Italy in order to better support the project and the kids in all their needs and I served as president of the association until April 2021.

Today the dream can go on with new friends, ideas and energies!


Mammadu - Simona Casoli - Consigliere

Simona Casoli graduated in Political Science specializing in history. She graduated as actor from “Scuola di Teatro Colli”. She specializes in marketing and public relationships. She is a certified Naturopath. Simona currently is an administrative legal officer with the public health service of Emilia-Romagna.

Her love for Africa started from afar and brought her to Mammadù:

“My first real voyage was in Kenya at 19 years old. From then my outlook changed. It was like a journey through the depths of my soul, touching an ancestral collective soul. A call, a shout, a wake up call that made me understand how fake was the materialistic life I lived until then. I always keep in my heart the memory of those children that had nothing, but still, even in their poverty, were so much more alive than I am…”

Mammadù Onlus opera nel settore dell’assistenza sociale, pedagogica, socio-sanitaria e psicologica, così come di altre forme di assistenza e soccorso in favore di comunità in Namibia in condizioni di emarginazione sociale.


  • sostiene orfani, minori e le loro famiglie disagiate, presso il Centro di Accoglienza Mammadù in Namibia, fondato e gestito dall’organizzazione non-profit Mammadù Trust con sede a Windhoek;

  • ha come obiettivo di lungo periodo la fondazione altri Centri di Accoglienza di Mammadù Trust.


L’Associazione può svolgere tutte le attività utili al perseguimento delle proprie finalità istituzionali:

  • raccogliere fondi da destinare alle finalità istituzionali per mezzo di donazioni, sottoscrizioni, lasciti o qualsiasi altro mezzo;
  • promuovere il programma di volontariato nei Centri di Accoglienza in Namibia costituiti e gestiti da Mammadù Trust;
  • selezionare, formare ed impiegare in Italia volontari che collaborano alle attività di raccolta fondi favorendo l’acquisizione e la trasmissione di specifiche competenze e conoscenze;
  • negoziare, concludere e dare esecuzione a qualsiasi tipo di accordo con associazioni, istituzioni, persone fisiche e giuridiche, al fine di perseguire o contribuire alla realizzazione dei suoi scopi;
  • fornire informazioni sul contenuto e sulle motivazioni della propria attività, in particolare ai propri Soci e sostenitori, tramite internet, pubblicazioni, media, etc.
  • svolgere attività direttamente connesse a quelle istituzionali, ovvero accessorie in quanto integrative delle stesse.