Mammadù Non Profit Organization - Codice di Comportamento - Slider Bg 01Mammadù Non Profit Organization - Codice di Comportamento - Slider Bg 01
Mammadù Non Profit Organization - Codice di Comportamento - Slider Bg 02
Mammadù Non Profit Organization - Codice di Comportamento - Slider Bg 03

Code of Conduct


Our inspiring principles are equality and equal dignity for each individual.

  1. Good character and good manners are essential to provide an environment which is pleasant for all.
  2. Volunteering is team work and responsibilities must be shared whenever needed; this experience might require long and exhausting working hours.
  3. So far personnel and volunteers have upheld a high quality service; we wish to keep the standard of excellence we have reached.
  4. We appreciate personal initiative and an innovative spirit. We invite the volunteers to consult with the educators on how to relate with the children.
  5. Our volunteers are required to keep strict confidentiality about personal information which they might acquire during their stay as volunteers and not to share it on their social networks.
  6. Volunteers are required to follow all instructions given by Mammadu personnel who manage the Center.
  7. We request that all gifts and donations to the children are given through Mammadù management (for sensitivity reasons).
  8. Smoking is strictly forbidden at Mammadu Center.
  9. Volunteers must organize their own transfers to and from the center by public transportation or any other means.

Disregarding Mammadu code of conduct may result in the interruption of service and the exclusion from the volunteering program.