
Subject Verb Agreement Examples for Grade 5

Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule that every writer and speaker must know. It dictates that the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb in number, i.e., singular subject requires a singular verb, and plural subject requires a plural verb. As children progress through their schooling, it becomes increasingly important for them to master subject-verb agreement. In this article, we will provide some subject-verb agreement examples for grade 5 students to help them understand and apply this rule.

Singular subjects and verbs:

When the subject of a sentence is singular, we use a singular verb. Here are some examples:

– My brother enjoys playing video games.

– The cat is sleeping on the couch.

– The teacher was explaining a new concept.

Plural subjects and verbs:

When the subject of a sentence is plural, we use a plural verb. Here are some examples:

– My brothers enjoy playing video games.

– The cats are sleeping on the couch.

– The teachers were explaining a new concept.

Collective nouns:

Collective nouns are a group of people, animals, or things acting as a single unit. When we use collective nouns as a subject, we can use either a singular or plural verb depending on the context. Here are some examples:

– The team is working hard to win the game. (singular)

– The team are arguing among themselves. (plural)

– The herd of cows is grazing in the field. (singular)

– The herd of cows are running towards the barn. (plural)

Indefinite pronouns:

Indefinite pronouns refer to nonspecific people or things. When we use indefinite pronouns as a subject, we can use either a singular or plural verb depending on the pronoun. Here are some examples:

– Each of the students is responsible for completing their homework. (singular)

– Everybody in the room was clapping their hands. (plural)

– Either of the choices is fine with me. (singular)

– Both of the options are viable. (plural)

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule that every student must master. By following these subject-verb agreement examples for grade 5, it will be easier for children to understand and use this grammar rule correctly. Remember that in a sentence, the subject and verb must agree in number to ensure clarity and grammatical correctness.

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