
Lausanne Agreement Duration

The Lausanne Agreement, signed on July 24, 1923, marked the end of the Turkish War of Independence and the beginning of a new era for the Turkish Republic. The treaty was signed between the Republic of Turkey and the Allied Powers, including France, Italy, Japan, Greece, and the United Kingdom. It established the borders of modern-day Turkey and outlined the terms of its relationship with the Allied Powers.

The Lausanne Agreement was a significant milestone for Turkey, as it brought an end to a long period of conflict and uncertainty. However, many people are still curious about the duration of the agreement, and how long it was supposed to last.

According to the terms of the Lausanne Agreement, the treaty was intended to be a permanent settlement of the issues that had been at the heart of the Turkish War of Independence. As such, there was no specific time limit or expiration date that was included in the treaty.

Instead, the Lausanne Agreement established a framework for the long-term relationship between Turkey and the Allied Powers. It recognized Turkey as an independent nation and established its borders, while also outlining the terms of its economic and political relationship with other nations.

Over the years, the terms of the Lausanne Agreement have been modified and updated through a number of additional treaties and agreements. However, the basic principles and framework established by the original treaty have remained in place.

Today, the Lausanne Agreement is still a seminal document in Turkish history and a cornerstone of the country`s relationship with the international community. While it does not have a specific duration, it has had a lasting impact on the political and economic landscape of modern-day Turkey.

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