Mammadù Non Profit Organization - Adozione e Sostegno a Distanza - Slider Bg 01
Mammadù Non Profit Organization - Adozione e Sostegno a Distanza - Slider Bg 02
Mammadù Non Profit Organization - Adozione e Sostegno a Distanza - Slider Bg 03


The basic costs for a child attending Mammadu center are 890 Euro per year, this includes all services offered directly at the center.

School fees or other related school expenses are not included as well as transport to the schools, as this varies from school to school and for the different grates, should you be interested to cover these costs too please contact us directly.

Once you commit to the sponsorship program you can communicate directly with your child even – on a daily basis – by whatsapp.

FOR INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION You can write to Stefania Rabotti